- Annual routine comprehensive eye exams
- Contact lens examinations
- Diabetic eye exams
- Dry Eye treatment
- Geriatric eye exams
- Pediatric eye exams (age 5 and up)
- Treatment of foreign body and abrasion eye injuries, ocular disease, and infections such as pink eye, styes, and allergies
- Myopia (nearsightedness/distance blur) control, including atropine therapy and MiSight contact lenses
- Problem-specific medical office visits for monitoring cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and more
- LASIK laser eye surgery referral consultations
We would be proud to be your comprehensive family optometrist! Our eye examinations are fully comprehensive and include a detailed evaluation of your eye health and vision status. Every exam includes the following tests, plus additional specialty tests as needed:
- Assessment of vision and prescription for glasses if needed
- Visual field peripheral vision test
- Eye pressure testing
- Ocular health examination including evaluation for cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, floaters, dry eye, retinal tears and detachments and more
- Retinal imaging Optomap® - dilation-free test to evaluate for eye disease. No eye drops, no blurry vision, no light sensitivity!
- Dilation (if required)

A typical examination will require about 30 minutes in our office. We require all patient intake forms to be filled out prior to your visit in order to maximize your time with the doctor. Patient Forms link We welcome children over age 5 at our office. Children should have eye examinations at 12 months old, 3 years, and every year once school-aged. Please let us know and we can recommend an excellent pediatric optometrist for your newborn to 4 year-old.